Rich Diesslin is a full time, freelance cartoonist and author doing what cartoonists do - mixing humor, topics of interest and silly drawings to create cartoons.  He mostly does single-panel (normal and/or comic strip sized) cartoons on a variety of topics, all family-friendly.  You'll always find quick, courteous service from Rich, who takes great pride in delivering a quality product on-time and all the time! 

He has three primary areas of cartooning – 1) General (Out to Lunch series), 2) Christian (Cartoon Gospel and Religious Light series) and 3) Scouting cartoons (KNOTS or Not Scout Cartoons series). Out to Lunch cartoons are also syndicated and beginning to appear in more and more weekly newspapers. However, Rich also keep busy on freelance projects for the U.S. Scouting Service Project, various book publishing, The Jamboree Today Boy Scout Jamboree online newspaper, and others.

His web site is and some current books that he has out include three Out to Lunch books, KNOTS Cartoons, A Journey Through Christian Theology and the Cartoon Gospel series.  He is a card carrying member of the National Cartoonists Society.